Sūtra Literature

Advaita Sāṃkhya Sūtras (72)

Chapter 1: Duḥkha

दुःखं वियोगो ज्ञाज्ञेययोः ॥ १.१ ॥
duḥkhaṃ viyogo jñājñeyayoḥ ‖ 1.1 ‖


duḥkham: n1s. suffering; viyogaḥ: m1s. separation; jñā-jñeyayoḥ: m6d. of the knower + the known

“Suffering is the separation of the knower and the known.”

उदयो दुःखस्यास्मितारागद्वेषाभिनिवेशाः ॥ १.२ ॥
udayo duḥkhasyāsmitārāgadveṣābhiniveśāḥ ‖ 1.2 ‖


udayaḥ: m1s. arising; duḥkhasya: n6s. of suffering; asmitā-rāgadveṣa-abhiniveśāḥ: m1p. egotism + attachment and aversion + inertia

“The arising of suffering is egotism, attachment and aversion, and inertia.”

निरोधो दुःखस्याशेषनिरोध एतस्या अविद्यात्रयायाः ॥ १.३ ॥
nirodho duḥkhasyāśeṣanirodha etasyā avidyātrayāyāḥ ‖ 1.3 ‖


nirodhaḥ: m1s. cessation; duḥkhasya: n6s. of suffering; aśeṣa-nirodhaḥ: m1s. complete + cessation; etasyāḥ: f6s. of this; avidyā-trayāyāḥ: f6s. ignorance + triple

“The cessation of suffering is the complete cessation of this threefold ignorance.”

निरोधमार्गो दुःखस्याभ्यासो विवेकवैराग्यमुमुक्षुत्वानाम् ॥ १.४ ॥
nirodhamārgo duḥkhasyābhyāso vivekavairāgyamumukṣutvānām ‖ 1.4 ‖


nirodhamārgaḥ: m1s. path of cessation; duḥkhasya: n6s. of suffering; abhyāsaḥ: m1s. practice; viveka-vairāgya-mumukṣutvānām: n1p. of discernment + non-attachment + seeking liberation

“The path of cessation is the repetition of discernment, non-attachment, and seeking liberation.”

Chapter 2: Pramāṇa

त्रिविधं प्रमाणस्य प्रत्यक्षानुमानशब्दाः ॥ २.१ ॥
trividhaṃ pramāṇasya pratyakṣānumānaśabdāḥ ‖ 2.1 ‖


trividham: n1s. three kinds; pramāṇasya: n1s. of proof; pratyakṣa-anumāna-śabdāḥ: m1p. direct perception + inference + testimony

“The three kinds of proof are direct perception, inference, and testimony.”

योगजप्रत्यक्षं प्राधानिकम् इन्द्रियजप्रत्यक्षम् अप्राधानिकम् ॥ २.२ ॥
yogajapratyakṣaṃ prādhānikam indriyajapratyakṣam aprādhānikam ‖ 2.2 ‖


yogaja-pratyakṣam: n1s. born of yoga + direct perception; prādhānikam: n1s. primary; indriyaja-pratyakṣam: n1s. born of the senses + direct perception; aprādhānikam: n1s. secondary

“Direct perception born of union is primary; direct perception born of the senses is secondary.”

त्रिविधम् अनुमानस्य पूर्ववत्शेषवत्सामान्यतोदृष्टानि तत् पूर्वकं लिङ्गलिङ्गीयौ ॥ २.३ ॥
trividham anumānasya pūrvavatśeṣavatsāmānyatodṛṣṭāni tat pūrvakaṃ liṅgaliṅgīyau ‖ 2.3 ‖


trividham: n1s. three kinds; anumānasya: n6s. of inference; pūrvavat-śeṣavat-sāmānyatodṛṣṭāni: n1p. a priori + a posteriori + generally seen; tat: n1s. it; pūrvakam: n1s. preceded by; liṅga-liṅgiyau: m1d. middle term + major term

“The three kinds of inference are a priori, a posteriori, and generally seen.  It is preceded by the middle term and the major term.”

त्रिविधः शब्दस्य श्रुतिस्मृतिसूत्राः ॥ २.४ ॥
trividhaḥ śabdasya śrutismṛtisūtrāḥ ‖ 2.4 ‖


trividhaḥ: m1s. three kinds; śabdasya: m6s. of testimony; śruti-smṛti-sūtrāḥ: m1p. revelation + remembrance + aphorisms

“The three kinds of testimony are revelation, remembrance, and aphorisms.”

Chapter 3: Śūnyavāda Satkāryavāda

शून्यवाद इति निर्गुणब्रह्मानन्तो मूलदेशः ॥ ३.१ ॥
śūnyavāda iti nirguṇabrahmānanto mūladeśaḥ ‖ 3.1 ‖


śūnyavādaḥ: m1s. doctrine of nonexistence; iti: ind. according to; nirguṇa-brahma: n1s. unqualified + source; anantaḥ: m1s. infinite; mūladeśaḥ: m1s. point of origin

“The doctrine of nonexistence states that the unqualified source is the infinite point of origin.”

चतुष्कारणस्य मूलं कार्यकारणम् ॥ ३.२ ॥
catuṣkāraṇasya mūlaṃ kāryakāraṇam ‖ 3.2 ‖


catuṣkāraṇasya: n6s. of the four causes; mūlam: n1s. origin; kāryakāraṇam: n1s. final cause

“Of the four causes, the origin is the final cause.”

सत्कार्यवाद इति कार्यं यथा बीजनि मूले ॥ ३.३ ॥
satkāryavāda iti kāryaṃ yathā bījani mūle ‖ 3.3 ‖


satkāryavādaḥ: m1s. doctrine of preexistence; iti: ind. according to; kāryam: n1s. effect; yathā: ind. as; bījani: n1p. seeds; mūle: n7s. in the origin

“The doctrine of preexistence states that the effect preexists as seeds within the origin.”

मूलं निर्बीजासत् तस्य बीजानां निर्विकल्पाव्यक्तस्यात् तेषां कार्यं सविकल्पव्यक्तसत् ॥ ३.४ ॥
mūlaṃ nirbījāsat tasya bījānāṃ nirvikalpāvyaktasyāt teṣāṃ kāryaṃ savikalpavyaktasat ‖ 3.4 ‖


mūlam: n1s. origin; nirbīja-asat: n1s. seedless + nonexistence; tasya: n1s. its; bījānām: n1p. seeds; nirvikalpa-avyakta-syāt: n1s. undifferentiated + unmanifest + potential existence; teṣām: n1p. their; kāryam: n1s. effect; savikalpa-vyakta-sat: n1s. manifest + differentiated + existence

“The origin is seedless nonexistence; its seeds are undifferentiated, unmanifest potential existence; their effect is differentiated, manifest existence.”

मूलं पारमार्थिकसत्यं तस्य बीजानां प्राधानिकसत्यं तेषां कार्यं व्यावहारिकसत्यम् ॥ ३.५ ॥
mūlaṃ pāramārthikasatyaṃ tasya bījānāṃ prādhānikasatyaṃ teṣāṃ kāryaṃ vyāvahārikasatyam ‖ 3.5 ‖


mūlam: n1s. origin; pāramārthika-satyam: n1s. absolute + reality; tasya: n1s. its; bījānām: n1p. seeds; prādhānika-satyam: n1s. primary + reality; teṣām: n1p. their; kāryam: n1s. effect; vyāvahārika-satyam: n1s. transactional + reality

“The origin is the absolute reality; its seeds are the primary reality; their effect is the transactional reality.”

मूलं परमात्मा तस्य बीजानां सूत्रात्मा तेषां कार्यं जीवात्मा ॥ ३.६ ॥
mūlaṃ paramātmā tasya bījānāṃ sūtrātmā teṣāṃ kāryaṃ jīvātmā ‖ 3.6 ‖


mūlam: n1s. origin; paramātmā: m1s. supreme self; tasya: n1s. its; bījānām: n1p. seeds; sūtrātmā: m1s. thread self; teṣām: n1p. their; kāryam: n1s. effect; jīvātmā: m1s. living self

“The origin is the supreme self; its seeds are the thread-self; their effect is the living self.”

Chapter 4: Guṇavāda

गुणवाद इति निर्गुणब्रह्म विवर्तितं दशगुणस्पन्देन ॥ ४.१ ॥
guṇavāda iti nirguṇabrahma vivartitaṃ daśaguṇaspandena ‖ 4.1 ‖


guṇavādaḥ: m1s. string theory; iti: ind. according to; nirguṇa-brahma: n1s. unqualified + source; vivartitam: n1s. apparently changed; daśaguṇa-spandena: m3s. through tenfold + vibration

“String theory states that the unqualified source is apparently changed through tenfold vibration.”

चतुष्पथः प्रमेयद्वंद्वाः ॥ ४.२ ॥
catuṣpathaḥ prameyadvaṃdvāḥ ‖ 4.2 ‖


catuṣpathaḥ: m1s. four dimensions; prameya-dvaṃdvāḥ: m1p. measurable + pairs of opposites

“The four dimensions are measurable pairs of opposites.”

चतुष्कारणस्य पुरुषः प्रतिरूपकारणम् ॥ ४.३ ॥
catuṣkāraṇasya puruṣaḥ pratirūpakāraṇam ‖ 4.3 ‖


catuṣkāraṇasya: n6s. of the four causes; puruṣaḥ: m1s. spirit; pratirūpakāraṇam: n1s. formal cause

“Of the four causes, spirit is the formal cause.”

चतुष्कारणस्य प्रकृतिर् उपादानकारणम् ॥ ४.४ ॥
catuṣkāraṇasya prakṛtir upādānakāraṇam ‖ 4.4 ‖


catuṣkāraṇasya: n6s. of the four causes; prakrtiḥ: f1s. nature; upādānakāraṇam: n1s. material cause

“Of the four causes, nature is the material cause.”

पुरुष आशयो विद्याया प्रकृतिर् आशयोऽविद्यायाः ॥ ४.५ ॥
puruṣa āśayo vidyāyā prakṛtir āśayo’vidyāyāḥ ‖ 4.5 ‖


puruṣaḥ: m1s. spirit; āśayaḥ: m1s. abode; vidyāyāḥ: f6s. of wisdom; prakrtiḥ: f1s. nature; āśayaḥ: m1s. abode; avidyāyāḥ: f6s. of ignorance

“Spirit is the abode of wisdom; nature is the abode of ignorance.”

पुरुषप्रकृत्यलौकिकद्वंद्वः ॥ ४.६ ॥
puruṣaprakṛtyalaukikadvaṃdvaḥ ‖ 4.6 ‖


puruṣa-prakrtī: f1d. spirit + nature; alaukika-dvaṃdvaḥ: m1s. non-local + pair of opposites

“Spirit and nature are the nonlocal pair of opposites.”

ईश्वरः संयोगस् तस्य द्वंद्वस्य ॥ ४.७ ॥
īśvaraḥ saṃyogas tasya dvaṃdvasya ‖ 4.7 ‖


īśvaraḥ: m1s. oversoul; saṃyogaḥ: m1s. union; tasya: m6s. of that; dvaṃdvasya: m6s. pair of opposites

“The oversoul is the union of that pair of opposites.”

चतुष्कारणस्येश्वरो निमित्तकारणम् ॥ ४.८ ॥
catuṣkāraṇasyeśvaro nimittakāraṇam ‖ 4.8 ‖


catuṣkāraṇasya: n6s. of the four causes; īśvaraḥ: m1s. oversoul; nimittakāraṇam: n1s. efficient cause

“Of the four causes, the oversoul is the efficient cause.”

पुरुषो ज्ञाक्षेत्रज्ञे प्रकृतिर् ज्ञेयक्षेत्र ईश्वरो ज्ञानसंयुक्तक्षेत्रे ॥ ४.९ ॥
puruṣo jñākṣetrajñe prakṛtir jñeyakṣetra īśvaro jñānasaṃyuktakṣetre ‖ 4.9 ‖


puruṣaḥ: m1s. spirit; jñā-kṣetrajñe: f1d. knower + knower of the field; prakṛtiḥ: f1s. nature; jñeya-kṣetre: n1d. known + the field; īśvaraḥ: m1s. oversoul; jñāna-saṃyuktakṣetre: n1d. knowledge + the unified field

“Spirit is the knower and the knower of the field; nature is the known and the field; the oversoul is the knowledge and the unified field.”

त्रिगुणब्रह्मैकादिर् एव पुरुषप्रकृतीश्वराः ॥ ४.१० ॥
triguṇabrahmaikādir eva puruṣaprakṛtīśvarāḥ ‖ 4.10 ‖


triguṇa-brahma: n1s. threefold + source; eka-ādiḥ: m1s. one + first; eva: ind. thus; puruṣa-prakṛti-īśvarāḥ: m1p. spirit + nature + oversoul

“The threefold source is thus:

1) spirit
2) nature
3) oversoul”

तत् त्रयं प्रधानम् ॥ ४.११ ॥
tat trayaṃ pradhānam ‖ 4.11 ‖


tat: n1s. that; trayam: n1s. triad; pradhānam: n1s. major

“That triad is major.”

संयुक्तसाम्यं तस्य षड्गुणवैषम्यस्य सप्तगुणब्रह्म चतुरादिर् एव सदानन्दचिज्जीवसत्त्वरजस्तमांसि ॥ ४.१२ ॥
saṃyuktasāmyaṃ tasya ṣaḍguṇavaiṣamyasya saptaguṇabrahma caturādir eva sadānandacijjīvasattvarajastamāṃsi ‖ 4.12 ‖


saṃyukta-sāmyam: n1s. combined + equality; tasya; n6s. of its; ṣaḍguṇa-vaiṣamyasya: n6s. sixfold + inequality; saptaguṇa-brahma: n1s. sevenfold + source; catur-ādiḥ: m1s. four + first; eva: ind. thus; sat-ānanda-cit-jīva-sattva-rajas-tamāṃsi: n1p. existence + bliss + consciousness + soul + mind + emotion + physics

“The combined equality of its sixfold inequality is the sevenfold source thus:

4) existence
5) bliss
6) consciousness
7) soul
8) mind
9) emotion
10) physics”

एतत् सप्तकम् अप्रधानम् ॥ ४.१३ ॥
etat saptakam apradhānam ‖ 4.13 ‖


etat: n1s. this; saptakam: n1s. heptad; apradhānaḥ: n1s. minor

“This heptad is minor.”

सदानन्दचितः पौरुषत्रयं सत्त्वरजस्तमांसि प्राकृतत्रयम् ॥ ४.१४ ॥
sadānandacitaḥ pauruṣatrayaṃ sattvarajastamāṃsi prākṛtatrayam ‖ 4.14 ‖


sat-ānanda-citaḥ: f1p. existence + bliss + consciousness; pauruṣa-trayam: n1s. spritual + triad; sattva-rajas-tamāṃsi: n1p. mind + emotion + physics; prākṛta-trayam: n1s. material + triad

“Existence, bliss, and consciousness are the spiritual triad; mind, emotion, and physics are the material triad.”

सत्तमस्यानन्दरजसीचित्सत्त्वानि लौकिकद्वंद्वाः ॥ ४.१५ ॥
sattamasyānandarajasīcitsattvāni laukikadvaṃdvāḥ ‖ 4.15 ‖


sattamasī-ānandarajasī-citsattvāni: n1p. existence and physics + bliss and emotion + consciousness and mind; laukika-dvaṃdvāḥ: m1p. local + pairs of opposites

“Existence and physics, bliss and emotion, and consciousness and mind are the local pairs of opposites.”

जीवः संयोग एतेयोस् त्रययोश् च संयोग एतेषां द्वंद्वाश् च ॥ ४.१६ ॥
jīvaḥ saṃyoga eteyos trayayoś ca saṃyoga eteṣāṃ dvaṃdvāś ca ‖ 4.16 ‖


jīvaḥ: m1s. soul; saṃyogaḥ: m1s. union; eteyoḥ: n6d. of these; trayayoḥ: n6d. triads; ca: ind. both; saṃyogaḥ m1s. union; etaṣām: m6p. of these; dvaṃdvāḥ: m1p. pairs of opposites; ca: ind. and

“The soul is both the union of these triads and the union of these pairs of opposites.”

ईश्वरो भा सूर्यसहस्रस्य जीवोऽशेश्वरस्य ॥ ४.१७ ॥
īśvaro bhā sūryasahasrasya jīvo’śeśvarasya ‖ 4.17 ‖


īśvaraḥ: m1s. oversoul; bhā: f1s. light; sūrya-sahasrasya: m6s. sun + of a thousand; jīvaḥ: m1s. soul; aṃśaḥ: m1s. part; īśvarasya: m6s. of the oversoul

“The oversoul is the light of a thousand suns; the soul is a part of the oversoul.”

सदानन्दचित आशया मुमुक्षुत्ववैराग्यविवेकानां सत्त्वरजस्तमांस्याशयोऽस्मितारागद्वेषाभिनिवेशानाम् ॥ ४.१८ ॥
sadānandacita āśayā mumukṣutvavairāgyavivekānāṃ sattvarajastamāṃsyāśayo’smitārāgadveṣābhiniveśānām ‖ 4.18 ‖


sat-ānanda-citaḥ: f1p. existence + bliss + consciousness; āśayāḥ: m1p. abodes; mumukṣutva-vairāgya-vivekasya: m6p. of seeking liberation + non-attachment + discernment; sattva-rajas-tamāṃsi: n1p. mind + emotion + physics; āśayāḥ: m1p. abodes; asmitā-rāgadveṣa-abhiniveśānām: m6p. of egotism + attachment and aversion + inertia

“Existence, bliss, and consciousness are the abodes of seeking liberation, non-attachment, and discernment; mind, emotion, and physics are the abodes of egotism, attachment and aversion, and inertia.”

निर्गुणब्रह्म पारमार्थिकसत्यं त्रिगुणब्रह्म प्राधानिकसत्यं सप्तगुणब्रह्म व्यावहारिकसत्यम् ॥ ४.१९ ॥
nirguṇabrahma pāramārthikasatyaṃ triguṇabrahma prādhānikasatyaṃ saptaguṇabrahma vyāvahārikasatyam ‖ 4.19 ‖


nirguṇa-brahma: n1s. unqualified + source; pāramārthika-satyam: n1s. absolute + reality; triguṇa-brahma: n1s. threefold + source; prādhānika-satyam: n1s. primary + reality; saptaguṇa-brahma: n1s. sevenfold + source; vyāvahārika-satyam: n1s. transactional + reality

“The unqualified source is the absolute reality; the threefold source is the primary reality; the sevenfold source is the transactional reality.”

त्रिगुणब्रह्म सप्तगुणब्रह्मैकत्र पूर्णदशगुणब्रह्म ॥ ४.२० ॥
triguṇabrahma saptaguṇabrahmaikatra pūrṇadaśaguṇabrahma ‖ 4.20 ‖


triguṇa-brahma: n1s. threefold + source; saptaguṇa-brahma: n1s. sevenfold + source; ekatra: ind. together; pūrṇa-daśaguṇa-brahma: n1s. complete + tenfold + source

“The threefold source and the sevenfold source together are the complete tenfold source.”

Chapter 5: Saptatitattva

प्रत्येकं सप्तगुणस्य पुनरावर्तिन्मूलं दशतत्त्वस्य ॥ ५.१ ॥
pratyekaṃ saptaguṇasya punarāvartinmūlaṃ daśatattvasya ‖ 5.1 ‖


pratyekam: ind. each; saptaguṇasya: m6s. of the seven strings; punarāvartin-mūlam: n1s. recursive + origin; daśatattvasya: n6s. of a tenfold principle

“Each of the seven strings is the recursive origin of a tenfold principle.”

प्रत्येकं दशतत्त्वं त्रितत्त्वसप्ततत्त्वयोः ॥ ५.२ ॥
pratyekaṃ daśatattvaṃ tritattvasaptatattvayoḥ ‖ 5.2 ‖


pratyekam: ind. each; daśatattvam: n1s. tenfold principle; tritattva-saptatattvayoḥ n6d. of a threefold principle + a sevenfold principle

“Each tenfold principle consists of a threefold principle and a sevenfold principle.”

प्रत्येकं त्रितत्त्वं पौरुषकोशप्राकृतशरीरे संयुक्त ऐश्वरयोगेन ॥ ५.३ ॥
pratyekaṃ tritattvaṃ pauruṣakośaprākṛtaśarīre saṃyukta aiśvarayogena ‖ 5.3 ‖


pratyekam: ind. each; tritattvam: n1s. threefold principle; pauruṣakośa-prākṛtaśarīre: n1d. spiritual sheath + material body; saṃyuktaḥ: m1s. united; aiśvarayogena: m3s. by an oversoul union

“Each threefold principle consists of a spiritual sheath plus a material body united by an oversoul union.”

त्रितत्त्वं सत एकादिः सन्मयकोशकारणशरीरसमाधियोगाः ॥ ५.४ ॥
tritattvaṃ sata ekādiḥ sanmayakośakāraṇaśarīrasamādhiyogāḥ ‖ 5.4 ‖


tritattvam: n1s. threefold principle; sataḥ n6s. of existence; eka-ādiḥ: m1s. one + first; sanmayakosa-kāraṇaśarīra-samādhiyogāḥ: m1p. existence sheath + causal body + absorption yoga

“The threefold principle of existence is:

1) the existence sheath
2) the causal body
3) absorption yoga”

त्रितत्त्वम् आनन्दस्यैकादिर् आनन्दमयकोशान्तःशरीरध्यानयोगाः ॥ ५.५ ॥
tritattvam ānandasyaikādir ānandamayakośāntaḥśarīradhyānayogāḥ ‖ 5.5 ‖


tritattvam: n1s. threefold principle; ānandasya: m6s. of bliss; eka-ādiḥ: m1s. one + first; ānandamayakośa-antaḥśarīra-dhyānayogāḥ: m1p. bliss sheath + inner body + meditation yoga

“The threefold principle of bliss is:

1) the bliss sheath
2) the inner body
3) meditation yoga”

त्रितत्त्वं चित एकादिश् चिन्मयकोशचित्तशरीरधारणायोगाः ॥ ५.६ ॥
tritattvaṃ cita ekādiś cinmayakośacittaśarīradhāraṇāyogāḥ ‖ 5.6 ‖


tritattvam: n1s. threefold principle; citaḥ: f6s. of consciousness; eka-ādiḥ: m1s. one + first; cinmayakośa-cittaśarīra-dhāraṇāyogāḥ: m1p. consciousness sheath + conscious body + concentration yoga

“The threefold principle of consciousness is:

1) the consciousness sheath
2) the conscious body
3) concentration yoga”

त्रितत्त्वं जीवस्यैकादिर् विज्ञानमयकोशाहंशरीरबुद्धियोगाः ॥ ५.७ ॥
tritattvaṃ jīvasyaikādir vijñānamayakośāhaṃśarīrabuddhiyogāḥ ‖ 5.7 ‖


tritattvam: n1s. threefold principle; jīvasya: m6s. of the soul; eka-ādiḥ: m1s. one + first; vijñānamayakośa-ahaṃśarīra-buddhiyogāḥ: m1p. intellectual sheath + ego body + intellectual yoga

“The threefold principle of the soul is:

1) the intellectual sheath
2) the ego body
3) intellectual yoga”

त्रितत्त्वं सत्त्वस्यैकादिर् मनोमयकोशनामशरीरज्ञानयोगाः ॥ ५.८ ॥
tritattvaṃ sattvasyaikādir manomayakośanāmaśarīrajñānayogāḥ ‖ 5.8 ‖


tritattvam: n1s. threefold principle; sattvasya: n6s. of mind; eka-ādiḥ: m1s. one + first; manomayakośa-nāmaśarīra-jñānayogaḥ: m1p. mental sheath + name body + knowledge yoga

“The threefold principle of mind is:

1) the mental sheath
2) the name body
3) knowledge yoga”

त्रितत्त्वं रजस एकादिः काममयकोशलिङ्गशरीरभक्तियोगाः ॥ ५.९ ॥
tritattvaṃ rajasa ekādiḥ kāmamayakośaliṅgaśarīrabhaktiyogāḥ ‖ 5.9 ‖


tritattvam: n1s. threefold principle; rajasaḥ: n6s. of emotion; eka-ādiḥ: m1s. one + first; kāmamayakośa-liṅgaśarīra-bhaktiyogāḥ: m1p. love sheath + subtle body + devotion yoga

“The threefold principle of emotion is:

1) the love sheath
2) the subtle body
3) devotion yoga”

त्रितत्त्वं तमस एकादिः प्राणमयकोशस्थूलशरीरकर्मयोगाः ॥ ५.१० ॥
tritattvaṃ tamasa ekādiḥ prāṇamayakośasthūlaśarīrakarmayogāḥ ‖ 5.10 ‖


tritattvam: n1s. threefold principle; tamasaḥ: n6s. of physics; eka-ādiḥ: m1s. one + first; prāṇamayakośa-sthūlaśarīra-karmayogāḥ: m1p. energy sheath + gross body + action yoga

“The threefold principle of physics is:

1) the energy sheath
2) the gross body
3) action yoga”

योगसप्तको न साधनानि तु तत्त्वनि साध्यसाधनानि ॥ ५.११ ॥
yogasaptako na sādhanāni tu tattvani sādhyasādhanāni ‖ 5.11 ‖


yoga-saptakaḥ: m1s. seven + yogas; na: ind. not; sādhanāni: n1p. practices; tu: ind. but; tattvani: n1p. principles; sādhya-sādhanāni: n3p. to be fulfilled + through practice

“The seven yogas are not practices but are principles to be fulfilled through practice.”

सप्ततत्त्वं सत्त्वस्य चतुरादिर् अनामानाम्न्यनामानाम्नीश्रोत्रवाचौचक्षुःपादौत्वक्पाणीजिह्वोपस्थौघ्राणपायवः ॥ ५.१२ ॥
saptatattvaṃ sattvasya caturādir anāmānāmnyanāmānāmnīśrotravācaucakṣuḥpādautvakpāṇījihvopasthaughrāṇapāyavaḥ ‖ 5.12 ‖


saptatattvam: n1s. sevenfold principle; sattvasya: n6s. of mind; catur-ādiḥ: m1s. four + first; anāmānāmnī-anāmānāmnī-śrotravācau-cakṣuḥpādau-tvakpāṇī-jihvopasthau-ghrāṇapāyavaḥ: m1p. unnamed/unnamed + unnamed/unnamed + hearing/speaking + seeing/moving + feeling/grasping + tasting/reproducing + smelling/eliminating

“The sevenfold principle of mind is:

4) unnamed/unnamed
5) unnamed/unnamed
6) hearing/speaking
7) seeing/moving
8) feeling/grasping
9) tasting/reproducing
10) smelling/eliminating”

सप्ततत्त्वं रजसश् चतुरादिर् अनामानामशब्दरूपस्पर्शरसगन्धाः ॥ ५.१३ ॥
saptatattvaṃ rajasaś caturādir anāmānāmaśabdarūpasparśarasagandhāḥ ‖ 5.13 ‖


saptatattvam: n1s. sevenfold principle; rajasaḥ: n6s. of emotion; catur-ādiḥ: m1s. four + first; anāma-anāma-sabda-rūpa-sparśa-rasa-gandhāḥ: m1p. unnamed + unnamed + sound + appearance + feel + flavor + odor

“The sevenfold principle of emotion is:

4) unnamed
5) unnamed
6) sound
7) appearance
8) texture
9) flavor
10) odor”

सप्ततत्त्वं तमसश् चतुरादिर् अनामानामाकाशाग्निवायुजलपृथ्व्यः ॥ ५.१४ ॥
saptatattvaṃ tamasaś caturādir anāmānāmākāśāgnivāyujalapṛthvyaḥ ‖ 5.14 ‖


saptatattvam: n1s. sevenfold principle; tamasaḥ: n6s. of physics; catur-ādiḥ: m1s. four + first; anāma-anāma-ākāśa-agni-vāyu-jala-pṛthvyaḥ: f1p. unamed + unamed + ether + fire + air + water + earth

“The sevenfold principle of physics is:

4) unnamed
5) unnamed
6) ether
7) fire
8) air
9) water
10) earth”

प्रमा सममितेः सांख्यावृत्तिः स्पन्दस्य ॥ ५.१५ ॥
pramā samamiteḥ sāṃkhyāvṛttiḥ spandasya ‖ 5.15 ‖


pramā: f1s. basis; samamiteḥ: f6s. of symmetry; sāṃkhya-āvṛttiḥ: f1s. numerical + frequency; spandasya: m6s. of vibration

“The basis of symmetry is numerical frequency of vibration.”

सममितेर् अनुनादो यत् संवेदनम् ॥ ५.१६ ॥
samamiter anunādo yat saṃvedanam ‖ 5.16 ‖


samamiteḥ: f5s. from symmetry; anunādaḥ: m1s. resonance; yat: m1s. which; saṃvedanam: n1s. information exchange

“From symmetry comes resonance, which is information exchange.”

Chapter 6: Kālavāda

कालवाद इति कालश् चाक्रसंसारः प्रतिसाम्यम् ॥ ६.१ ॥
kālavāda iti kālaś cākrasaṃsāraḥ pratisāmyam ‖ 6.1 ‖


kālavādaḥ: m1s. doctrine of time; iti: ind. according to; kālaḥ: m1s. time; cākra-saṃsāraḥ: m1s. cyclical + passage; prati-sāmyam: n1s. toward + equality

“The doctrine of time states that time is the cyclical passage toward equality.”

सप्तगुणः परिवृतो द्वादशारेन कालचक्रस्यैव द्वादशम उपरि सति षष्ठोऽधस् तमसि ॥ ६.२ ॥
saptaguṇaḥ parivṛto dvādaśārena kālacakrasyaiva dvādaśama upari sati ṣaṣṭho’dhas tamasi ‖ 6.2 ‖


saptaguṇaḥ: m1s. seven strings; parivṛtaḥ: m1s. encircled; dvādaśārena: m3s. by the twelve spokes; kālacakrasya: m6s. of the wheel of time; eva: ind. thus; dvādaśamaḥ: m1s. twelfth; upari: ind. above; sati: n7s. in existence; ṣaṣṭhaḥ: m1s. sixth; adhas: ind. below; tamasi: n7s. in physics

“The seven strings are encircled by the twelve spokes of the wheel of time thus:

12) existence
11 & 1) bliss
10 & 2) consciousness
9 & 3) soul
8 & 4) mind
7 & 5) emotion
6) physics”

द्वादशरः प्रतीत्यानित्यपरम्पराः ॥ ६.३ ॥
dvādaśaraḥ pratītyānityaparamparāḥ ‖ 6.3 ‖


dvādaśāraḥ: m1s. twelve spokes; pratītya-anitya-paramparāḥ: m1p. dependent + impermanent + successive

“The twelve spokes are dependent, impermanent, and successive.”

धार्मसर्पिणी तृतीयारात् प्रतिनवमः सुखं भावसर्पिणी नवमारात् प्रतितृतीयो दुःखं तृतीयनवमारे संधिः ॥ ६.४ ॥
dhārmasarpiṇī tṛtīyārāt pratinavamaḥ sukhaṃ bhāvasarpiṇī navamārāt pratitṛtīyo duḥkhaṃ tṛtīyanavamāre saṃdhiḥ ‖ 6.4 ‖


dhārmasarpiṇī: f1s. arc of law; tṛtīya-arāt: m5s. from the third + spoke; prati-navamaḥ: m1s. to + the ninth; sukham: n1s. happiness; bhāvasarpiṇī: f1s. arc of rebirth; navama-arāt: m5s. from the ninth + spoke; prati-tṛtīyaḥ: m1s. to + the third; duḥkham: n1s. suffering; tṛtīya-navama-are: n1d. the third + the ninth + spokes; saṃdhiḥ: m1s. boundary line

“The arc of law from the ninth spoke to the third is happiness; the arc of rebirth from the third spoke to the ninth is suffering; the third and ninth spokes are the boundary line.”

अवसर्पिणी द्वादशमारात् प्रतिषष्ठः संचर उत्सर्पिणी षष्ठारात् प्रतिद्वादशमः प्रतिसंचरः षष्ठद्वादशमारे संधिः ॥ ६.५ ॥
avasarpiṇī dvādaśamārāt pratiṣaṣṭhaḥ saṃcara utsarpiṇī ṣaṣṭhārāt pratidvādaśamaḥ pratisaṃcaraḥ ṣaṣṭhadvādaśamāre saṃdhiḥ ‖ 6.5 ‖


avasarpiṇī: f1s. descending arc; dvādaśama-arāt: m5s. from the twelfth + spoke; prati-ṣaṣṭhaḥ: m1s. to + the sixth; saṃcaraḥ: m1s. evolution; utsarpiṇī: f1s. ascending arc; ṣaṣṭha-arāt: m5s. from the sixth + spoke; prati-dvādaśamaḥ: m1s. to + the twelfth; pratisaṃcaraḥ: m1s. involution; ṣaṣṭha-dvādaśama-are: n1d. the sixth + the twelfth + spokes; saṃdhiḥ: m1s. boundary line

“The descending arc from the twelfth spoke to the sixth is evolution; the ascending arc from the sixth spoke to the twelfth is involution; the sixth and twelfth spokes are the boundary line.”

प्रत्येकम् अरोऽनन्तानां चक्राणां चक्रेषु ॥ ६.६ ॥
pratyekam aro’nantānāṃ cakrāṇāṃ cakreṣu ‖ 6.6 ‖


pratyekam: ind. each; araḥ: m1s. spoke; anantānāṃ: m6p. of endless; cakrāṇāṃ: m6p. wheels; cakreṣu: m7p. within wheels

“Each spoke consists of endless wheels within wheels.”

एताश् चाक्रवृत्तयो जीवनस्कन्धा बीजाणाम् ॥ ६.७ ॥
etāś cākravṛttayo jīvanaskandhā bījāṇām ‖ 6.7 ‖


etāḥ: f1p. these; cākra-vṛttayaḥ: f1p. circular + modifications; jīvana-skandhāḥ: m1p. living + aggregates; bījānām: n6p. of seeds

“These circular modifications are living aggregates of seeds.”

वृत्तयो धार्मसर्पिण्यां पौरुषधर्मा वृत्तयो भावसर्पिण्यां प्राकृतभवाः ॥ ६.८ ॥
vṛttayo dhārmasarpiṇyāṃ pauruṣadharmā vṛttayo bhāvasarpiṇyāṃ prākṛtabhavāḥ ‖ 6.8 ‖


vṛttayaḥ: f1p. modifications; dhārmasarpiṇyām: f7s. in the arc of law; paurusa-dharmāḥ: m1p. spiritual + laws; vṛttayaḥ: f1p. modifications; bhāvasarpiṇyām: f7s. in the arc of rebirth; prākṛta-bhavāḥ: m1p. material + things

“Modifications in the arc of law are spiritual laws; modifications in the arc of rebirth are material things.”

वृत्तयोऽवसर्पिण्यां प्रवृत्तयो वृत्तय उत्सर्पिण्यां निवृत्तयः ॥ ६.९ ॥
vṛttayo’vasarpiṇyāṃ pravṛttayo vṛttaya utsarpiṇyāṃ nivṛttayaḥ ‖ 6.9 ‖


vṛttayaḥ: f1p. modifications; avasarpinyām: f7s. in the descending arc; pravṛttayaḥ: f1p. spinning without; vṛttayaḥ: f1p modifications; utsarpinyām: f7s. in the ascending arc; nivṛttayaḥ: f1p. spinning within

“Modifications in the descending arc are spinning without; modifications in the ascending arc are spinning within.”

इव तरंगा वृत्तयोऽन्योन्याभिभवाश्रयजननमिथुनाः ॥ ६.१० ॥
iva taraṃgā vṛttayo’nyonyābhibhavāśrayajananamithunāḥ ‖ 6.10 ‖


iva: ind. like; taraṃgāḥ: m1p. waves; vṛttayaḥ: f1p. modifications; anyonya-abhibhava-āśraya-janana-mithunāḥ: f1p. mutually + suppressive + supportive + generative + interactive

“Like waves, modifications are mutually suppressive, supportive, generative, and interactive.”

Chapter 7: Srotas

परमार्थतस् जगद् एव स्पन्दो निर्गुणब्रह्मणः ॥ ७.१ ॥
paramārthatas jagad eva spando nirguṇabrahmaṇaḥ ‖ 7.1 ‖


paramārthatas: ind. in truth; jagat: n1s. universe; eva: ind. thus; spandaḥ: m1s. vibration; nirguṇa-brahmaṇaḥ: n6s. of the unqualified + source

“In truth, the universe is merely the vibration of the unqualified source.”

निर्गुणब्रह्म महासागरो दशगुणोऽभिन्नस्रोतोऽवस्थाणाम् ॥ ७.२ ॥
nirguṇabrahma mahāsāgaro daśaguṇo’bhinnasroto’vasthāṇām ‖ 7.2 ‖


nirguṇa-brahma: n1s. unqualified + source; mahāsāgaraḥ: m1s. ocean; dasaguṇaḥ: m1s. ten strings; abhinna-srotaḥ: n1s. unbroken + stream; avasthānām: f6p. of states

“The unqualified source is the great ocean, and the ten strings are an unbroken stream of states.”

स्रोतः क्षुरस्य धारा ॥ ७.३ ॥
srotaḥ kṣurasya dhārā ‖ 7.3 ‖


srotaḥ: n1s. stream; kṣurasya: m6s. of the razor; dhārā: f1s. edge

“The stream is the razor’s edge.”

उदयः स्रोतसानुभवो नेतिनेति ॥ ७.४ ॥
udayaḥ srotasānubhavo netineti ‖ 7.4 ‖


udayaḥ: m1s. ascent; srotasā: n3s. through the stream; anubhavaḥ: m1s. experience; netineti: ind. ‘not this, not that’

“The ascent through the stream is the experience of ‘not this, not that’.”

तमोरजोसत्त्वानि जाग्रत्स्वप्नस्पष्टावस्थाः ॥ ७.५ ॥
tamorajosattvāni jāgratsvapnaspaṣṭāvasthāḥ ‖ 7.5 ‖


tamas-rajas-sattvāni: n1p. physics + emotion + mind; jāgrat-svapna-spaṣṭa-avasthāḥ: f1p. waking + dream + lucid + states

“Physics, emotion, and mind are the waking, dream, and lucid states.”

जीवः सुषुप्त्यवस्था यद् बुध्या ॥ ७.६ ॥
jīvaḥ suṣuptyavasthā yad budhyā ‖ 7.6 ‖


jīvaḥ: m1s. soul; suṣupti-avasthā: f1s. deep sleep + state; yat: f1s. which; budhyā: f1s. to be awakened

“The soul is the deep sleep state, which is to be awakened.”

चिदानन्दसन्ति साक्षीदैवर्तावस्थाः ॥ ७.७ ॥
cidānandasanti sākṣīdaivartāvasthāḥ ‖ 7.7 ‖


cit-ānanda-santi: n1p. consciousness + bliss + existence; sākṣī-daiva-ṛta-avasthāḥ: f1p. witness + divine + order + states

“Consciousness, bliss, and existence are the witness, divine, and order states.”

एतद् अप्रधानसप्तकं शब्दस्रोतः संसारस्य ॥ ७.८ ॥
etad apradhānasaptakaṃ śabdasrotaḥ saṃsārasya ‖ 7.8 ‖


etat: n1s. this; apradhāna-saptakam: n1s. minor + heptad; śabda-srotaḥ: m1s. sound + current; saṃsārasya: m6s. of transmigration

“This minor heptad is the sound-current of transmigration.”

तुरीयातीतम् ईश्वरप्रकृतिपुरुषा योगद्वैताद्वैतावस्थाः ॥ ७.९ ॥
turīyātītam īśvaraprakṛtipuruṣā yogadvaitādvaitāvasthāḥ ‖ 7.9 ‖


turīyātītam: n1s. beyond the fourth state; īśvara-prakrti-puruṣāḥ: m1p. oversoul + nature + spirit; yoga-dvaita-advaita-avasthāḥ: f1p. union + dual + non-dual + states

“Beyond the fourth state, the oversoul, nature, and spirit are the union, dual, and non-dual states.”

तत् प्रधानत्रयं निःशब्दस्रोतो निर्वाणस्य ॥ ७.१० ॥
tat pradhānatrayaṃ niḥśabdasroto nirvāṇasya ‖ 7.10 ‖


tat: n1s. this; pradhāna-trayam: n1s. major + triad; niḥśabda-srotaḥ: m1s. silent + current; nirvāṇasya: n6s. of cessation

“That major triad is the silent current of cessation.”

परिनिर्वाणं मूलावस्थालक्षणाचिन्त्याव्यपदेश्यकैवल्यम् ॥ ७.११ ॥
parinirvāṇaṃ mūlāvasthālakṣaṇācintyāvyapadeśyakaivalyam ‖ 7.11 ‖


parinirvāṇam: n1s. beyond cessation; mūla-avasthā: f1s. ground + state; alakṣaṇa-acintya-avyapadeśya-kaivalyam: n1s. indistinguishable + unthinkable + indescribable + isolation

“Beyond cessation, the ground state is indistinguishable, unthinkable, and indescribable isolation.”

तत् त्वम् असि ॥ ७.१२ ॥
tat tvam asi ‖ 7.12 ‖


tat: ind. that; tvam: ind. thou; asi: 2s. art

“Thou art that.”

Advaita Yoga Sutras (72)

Chapter 1: Sādhya

अथानुसांख्यं योगशासनम् ॥ १.१ ॥
athānusāṃkhyaṃ yogaśāsanam ‖ 1.1 ‖


atha: ind. now; anu-sāṃkhyam: n1s. after + Sāṃkhya; yoga-śāsanam: n1s. Yoga + instruction

“Now, after Samkhya, comes the instruction of Yoga.”

योगो निरोधः क्लिष्टवृत्तीनाम् ॥ १.२ ॥
yogo nirodhaḥ kliṣṭavṛttīnām ‖ 1.2 ‖


yogaḥ: m1s. Yoga; nirodhaḥ: m1s. cessation; kliṣṭa-vṛttīnām: f6p. of afflicted + modifications

“Yoga is cessation of afflicted modifications.”

तदा दृश्यम् अवस्थानं स्वरूपे यद् द्रष्टा ॥ १.३ ॥
tadā dṛśyam avasthānaṃ svarūpe yad draṣṭā ‖ 1.3 ‖


tadā: ind. then; dṛśyam: n1s. seen; avasthānam: n1s. abiding; svarūpe: n7s. in its true nature; yat: n1s. which; draṣṭā: m1s. seer

“Then, the seen is abiding in its true nature, which is the seer.”

इतरत्र सारूप्यं क्लेशाः ॥ १.४ ॥
itaratra sārūpyaṃ kleśāḥ ‖ 1.4 ‖


itaratra: ind. otherwise; sārūpyam: n1s. conformity with; kleśāḥ: m1p. afflictions

“Otherwise, there is conformity with the afflictions.”

अविद्यासम्यग्दृष्टिर् यद् विषमदृष्टिर् दृश्यस्य ॥ १.५ ॥
avidyāsamyagdṛṣṭir yad viṣamadṛṣṭir dṛśyasya ‖ 1.5 ‖


avidyā: f1s. ignorance; asamyak-dṛṣṭiḥ: f1s. wrong + view; yat: f1s. which; viṣama-dṛṣṭiḥ: f1s. unequal + vision; dṛśyasya: n6d. of the seen

“Ignorance is the wrong view, which is unequal vision of the seen.”

अविद्या क्षेत्रम् उत्तरेषां क्लेशानाम् ॥ १.६ ॥
avidyā kṣetram uttareṣāṃ kleśānām ‖ 1.6 ‖


avidyā: f1s. ignorance; kṣetram: n1s. field; uttareṣām: m6p. of the subsequent; kleśānām: m6p. afflictions

“Ignorance is the field of the subsequent afflictions.”

अस्मितास्वरूपं दृश्यस्य ॥ १.७ ॥
asmitāsvarūpaṃ dṛśyasya ‖ 1.7 ‖


asmitā: f1s. egotism; asvarūpam: n1s. false nature; dṛśyasya: n6s. of the seen

“Egotism is the false nature of the seen.”

रागद्वेषो मदो दृश्यस्य ॥ १.८ ॥
rāgadveṣo mado dṛśyasya ‖ 1.8 ‖


rāgadveṣaḥ: m1s. attachment and aversion; madaḥ: m1s. thrill; dṛśyasya: n6s. of the seen

“Attachment and aversion are the thrill of the seen.”

अभिनिवेशो बन्धो दृश्यस्य ॥ १.९ ॥
abhiniveśo bandho dṛśyasya ‖ 1.9 ‖


abhiniveśaḥ: m1s. inertia; bandhaḥ: m1s. bondage; dṛśyasya: n6s. of the seen

“Inertia is the binding of the seen.”

वृत्तयो द्वादशतयाः क्लिष्टाक्लिष्टाः ॥ १.१० ॥
vṛttayo dvādaśatayāḥ kliṣṭākliṣṭāḥ ‖ 1.10 ‖


vṛttayaḥ: f1p. modifications; dvādaśatayāḥ: f1p. twelvefold; kliṣṭa-akliṣṭāḥ: f1p. afflicted + unafflicted

“Modifications are twelvefold and either afflicted or unafflicted.”

क्लिष्टवृत्तयोऽधार्मपापेऽक्लिष्टवृत्तयो धार्मपुण्ये ॥ १.११ ॥
kliṣṭavṛttayo’dhārmapāpe’kliṣṭavṛttayo dhārmapuṇye ‖ 1.11 ‖


kliṣṭa-vṛttayaḥ: f1p. afflicted + modifications; adhārma-pāpe: f1d. unlawful + inauspicious; akliṣṭa-vṛttayaḥ: f1p. unafflicted + modifications; dhārma-puṇye: f1d. lawful + auspicious

“Afflicted modifications are unlawful and inauspicious; unafflicted modifications are lawful and auspicious.”

समुदयो दुःखस्य क्लिष्टवृत्तयः समुदयः सुखस्योऽक्लिष्टवृत्तयः ॥ १.१२ ॥
samudayo duḥkhasya kliṣṭavṛttayaḥ samudayaḥ sukhasyo’kliṣṭavṛttayaḥ ‖ 1.12 ‖


samudayaḥ: m1s. co-arising; duḥkhasya: n6s. of suffering; kliṣṭa-vṛttayaḥ: f1p. afflicted + modifications; samudayaḥ: m1s. co-arising; sukhasya: n6s. of happiness; akliṣṭa-vṛttayaḥ: f1p. unafflicted + modifications

“The co-arising of suffering is afflicted modifications; the co-arising of happiness is unafflicted modifications.”

अयमानियमौ वृत्तयः क्लिष्टा भावसर्पिण्याम् ॥ १.१३ ॥
ayamāniyamau vṛttayaḥ kliṣṭā bhāvasarpiṇyām ‖ 1.13 ‖


ayama-aniyamau: m1d. without restraint + without observance; vṛttayaḥ: f1p. modifications; kliṣṭāḥ: f1p. afflicted; bhāvasarpiṇyām: m7s. during the arc of rebirth

“Without restraint and without observance, modifications become afflicted during the arc of rebirth.”

अक्लिष्टवृत्तयः प्रलयोऽनुभावसर्पिणी तु क्लिष्टवृत्तयः संचितास् तास्वाशयेषु ॥ १.१४ ॥
akliṣṭavṛttayaḥ pralayo’nubhāvasarpiṇī tu kliṣṭavṛttayaḥ saṃcitās tāsvāśayeṣu ‖ 1.14 ‖


akliṣṭa-vṛttayaḥ: f1p. unafflicted + modifications; pralayaḥ: m1s. reabsorption; anu-bhāvasarpiṇī: f1s. after + arc of rebirth; tu: ind. while; kliṣṭa-vṛttayaḥ: f1p. afflicted + modifications; saṃcitāḥ: f1p. accumulated; tāsu: f7p. in their; āśayeṣu: m7p. abodes

“Unafflicted modifications attain reabsorption after the arc of rebirth, while afflicted modifications remain accumulated in their abodes.”

संचितवृत्तयः पुनःप्रारब्धा अनुधार्मसर्पिणी ॥ १.१५ ॥
saṃcitavṛttayaḥ punaḥprārabdhā anudhārmasarpiṇī ‖ 1.15 ‖


saṃcita-vṛttayaḥ: f1p. accumulated + modifications; punar-prārabdhāḥ: f1p. again + undertaken; anu-dhārmasarpiṇī: f1s. after + arc of law

“Accumulated modifications are undertaken again after the arc of law.”

तद् दुःखम् अनागतं हेयं साधनेन ॥ १.१६ ॥
tad duḥkham anāgataṃ heyaṃ sādhanena ‖ 1.16 ‖


tat: n1s. that; duḥkham: n1s. suffering; anāgatam: n1s. yet to come; heyam: n1s. to be avoided; sādhanena: n3s. through practice

“That suffering yet to come is to be avoided through practice.”

Chapter 2: Sādhana

साधनमार्ग आभ्यसो विद्यात्रयायाः ॥ २.१ ॥
sādhanamārga ābhyaso vidyātrayāyāḥ ‖ 2.1 ‖


sādhanamārgaḥ: m1s. practical path; ābhyasaḥ: m1s. practice; vidyā-trayāyāḥ: f6s. of wisdom + triple

“The practical path is the repetition of triple wisdom.”

विद्या सम्यग्दृष्टिर् यत् समदृष्टिर् दृश्यस्य ॥ २.२ ॥
vidyā samyagdṛṣṭir yat samadṛṣṭir dṛśyasya ‖ 2.2 ‖


vidyā: f1s. wisdom; samyak-dṛṣṭiḥ: f1s. right + view; yat: f1s. which; sama-dṛṣṭiḥ: f1s. equal + vision; dṛśyasya: n6s. of the seen

“Wisdom is the right view, which is equal vision of the seen.”

विद्या क्षेत्रम् उत्तरेषां भेषजानाम् ॥ २.३ ॥
vidyā kṣetram uttareṣāṃ bheṣajānām ‖ 2.3 ‖


vidyā: f1s. wisdom; kṣetram: n1s. field; uttareṣām: n6p. of the other; bheṣajānām: n6p. remedies

“Wisdom is the field of the other remedies.”

विवेको विच्छेदनः स्वरूपोऽस्मितायाः ॥ २.४ ॥
viveko vicchedanaḥ svarūpo’smitāyāḥ ‖ 2.4 ‖


vivekaḥ: m1s. discernment; vicchedanaḥ: m1s. separating; svarūpaḥ: m1s. one’s true nature; asmitātāḥ: f5s. from egotism

“Discernment is distinguishing one’s true nature from egotism.”

वैराग्यं वैतृष्ण्यं रागद्वेषाय ॥ २.५ ॥
vairāgyaṃ vaitṛṣṇyaṃ rāgadveṣāya ‖ 2.5 ‖


vairāgyam: n1s. vaitṛṣṇyam: n1s. lack of desire; rāgadveṣāya: m4s. for attachment and aversion

“Non-attachment is lack of desire for attachment and aversion.”

मुमुक्षुत्वं जयनाभिनिवेशः ॥ २.६ ॥
mumukṣutvaṃ jayanābhiniveśaḥ ‖ 2.6 ‖


mumukṣutvam: n1s. seeking liberation; jayana-abhiniveśaḥ: m1s. overcoming + inertia

“Seeking liberation is overcoming inertia.”

अभ्यासः स्थितयत्नः ॥ २.७ ॥
abhyāsaḥ sthitayatnaḥ ‖ 2.7 ‖


abhyāsaḥ: m1s. repetition; sthita-yatnaḥ: m1s. steady + effort

“Repetition is steady effort.”

दृढभूमिः स आसेवितो दीर्घकालनैरन्तर्यसत्कारेण ॥ २.८ ॥
dṛḍhabhūmiḥ sa āsevito dīrghakālanairantaryasatkāreṇa ‖ 2.8 ‖


dṛḍha-bhūmiḥ: f1s. stable + foundation; saḥ: m1s. it; āsevitaḥ: m1s. followed; dīrgha-kāla-nairantarya-satkāreṇa: m3s. for a long + time + without interruption + with reverence

“There is a stable foundation when followed for a long time without interruption and with reverence.”

अष्टाङ्गं यमनियमासनप्राणायामप्रत्याहारधारणाध्यानसमाधयः ॥ २.९ ॥
aṣṭāṅgaṃ yamaniyamāsanaprāṇāyāmapratyāhāradhāraṇādhyānasamādhayaḥ ‖ 2.9 ‖


aṣṭāṅgam: n1s. eight limbs; yama-niyama-āsana-prāṇāyāma-pratyāhāra-dhāraṇā-dhyāna-samādhayaḥ: m1p. the restraints + the observances + sitting + energy extension + withdrawal + concentration + meditation + absorption

“The eight limbs are the restraints, the observances, sitting, energy extension, withdrawal, concentration, meditation, and absorption.”

यमा अहिंसासत्यास्तेयब्रह्मचर्यापरिग्रहाः ॥ २.१० ॥
yamā ahiṃsāsatyāsteyabrahmacaryāparigrahāḥ ‖ 2.10 ‖


yamāḥ: m1p. the restraints; ahiṃsā-satya-asteya-brahmacarya-aparigrahāḥ: m1p. non-harming + non-lying + non-stealing + non-wasting + non-possessiveness

“The restraints are non-harming, non-lying, non-stealing, non-wasting, and non-possessiveness.”

नियमाः शौचसंतोषतपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि ॥ २.११ ॥
niyamāḥ śaucasaṃtoṣatapaḥsvādhyāyeśvarapraṇidhānāni ‖ 2.11 ‖


niyamāḥ: m1p. the observances; śauca-saṃtoṣa-tapas-svādhyāya-īśvarapraṇidhānāni: n1p. purity + contentment + self-discipline + self-study + surrender to the oversoul

“The observances are purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and surrender to the oversoul.”

दशमहाव्रतं सार्वभौमम् अनवच्छिन्नं जातिकालदेशसमयेनैः ॥ २.१२ ॥
daśamahāvrataṃ sārvabhaumam anavacchinnaṃ jātikāladeśasamayenaiḥ ‖ 2.12 ‖


daśamahāvratam: n1s. ten great vows; sārvabhaumam: n1s. universal; anavacchinnam: n1s. not limited; jāti-kāla-deśa-samayenaiḥ: m3p. by birth + time + space + circumstance

“These ten great vows are universal and not limited by birth, time, space, or circumstance.”

बाधनवितर्के प्रतिपक्षभाव्यः ॥ २.१३ ॥
bādhanavitarke pratipakṣabhāvyaḥ ‖ 2.13 ‖


bādhana-vitarke: m7s. upon a troubling + thought; pratipakṣa-bhāvyaḥ: m1s. opposite + should be cultivated

“Upon a troubling thought arising, the opposite should be cultivated.”

अहिंसा पथोऽवरहिंसायाः ॥ २.१४ ॥
ahiṃsā patho’varahiṃsāyāḥ ‖ 2.14 ‖


ahiṃsā: f1s. non-harming; pathaḥ: m1s. path; avara-hiṃsāyāḥ: f6s. of least + harm

“Non-harming is the path of least harm.”

सत्यं प्रमेयवाच् ॥ २.१५ ॥
satyaṃ prameyavāc ‖ 2.15 ‖


satyam: n1s. non-lying; prameya-vāc: f1s. verifiable + speech

“Non-lying is verifiable speech.”

अस्तेयम् आदानम् एव स्वैरंदत्तम् ॥ २.१६ ॥
asteyam ādānam eva svairaṃdattam ‖ 2.16 ‖


asteyam: n1s. non-stealing; ādāna: n1s. taking; eva: ind. only; svairaṃ-dattam: n1s. freely + given

“Non-stealing is taking only what is freely given.”

ब्रह्मचर्यं रक्षणं प्राणस्य ॥ २.१७ ॥
brahmacaryaṃ rakṣaṇaṃ prāṇasya ‖ 2.17 ‖


brahmacaryam: n1s. non-wasting; rakṣaṇam: n1s. preservation; prāṇasya: m6s. of energy

“Non-wasting is preservation of energy.”

अपरिग्रहस् त्यागो निष्कारणार्थानाम् ॥ २.१८ ॥
aparigrahas tyāgo niṣkāraṇārthānām ‖ 2.18 ‖


aparigrahaḥ: m1s. non-possessiveness; tyāgaḥ: m1s. renunciation; niṣkāraṇa-arthānām: n6p. of unnecessary + objects

“Non-possessiveness is renunciation of unnecessary objects.”

शौचं भूतशुद्धिः ॥ २.१९ ॥
śaucaṃ bhūtaśuddhiḥ ‖ 2.19 ‖


śaucam: n1s. purification; bhūtaśuddhiḥ: f1s. clearing the elements

“Purification is clearing the elements.”

संतोषोऽव्यथ्यान्तःशान्ति ॥ २.२० ॥
saṃtoṣo’vyathyāntaḥśānti ‖ 2.20 ‖


ssaṃtoṣaḥ: m1s. contentment; avyathya-antaḥśānti: f1s. unwavering + inner peace

“Contentment is unwavering inner peace.”

तपं प्रग्रहणेन्द्रियाणि ॥ २.२१ ॥
tapaṃ pragrahaṇendriyāṇi ‖ 2.21 ‖


tapam: n1s. self-discipline; pragrahaṇa-indriyāṇi: n1p. reining in + senses

“Self-discipline is reining in the senses.”

स्वाध्याय आत्मविचारः ॥ २.२२ ॥
svādhyāya ātmavicāraḥ ‖ 2.22 ‖


svādhyāyaḥ: m1s. self-study; ātmavicāraḥ: m1s. self-inquiry

“Self-study is self-inquiry.”

ईश्वरप्रणिधानम् अनुवृत्तीश्वरः ॥ २.२३ ॥
īśvarapraṇidhānam anuvṛttīśvaraḥ ‖ 2.23 ‖


īśvarapraṇidhānam: n1s. surrender to the oversoul; anuvṛtti-īśvaraḥ: m1s. emulating + the oversoul

“Surrender to the oversoul is emulating it.”

आसनं ध्यानाय स्थिरसुखे ॥ २.२४ ॥
āsanaṃ dhyānāya sthirasukhe ‖ 2.24 ‖


āsanam: n1s. sitting; dhyānāya: n4s. for meditation; sthira-sukhe: n1d. still + comfortable

“Sitting for meditation is still and comfortable.”

शैथिल्यात् प्रयत्नस्य समापत्तिः प्राणमयकोशे ॥ २.२५ ॥
śaithilyāt prayatnasya samāpattiḥ prāṇamayakośe ‖ 2.25 ‖


śaithilyāt: n5s. from relaxation; prayatnasya: m6s. of effort; samāpattiḥ: f1s. absorption; prāṇamayakośe: m7s. in the energy sheath

“From the relaxation of effort comes absorption in the energy sheath.”

ततः अनभिघातः स्थूलशरीरेण ॥ २.२६ ॥
tataḥ anabhighātaḥ sthūlaśarīreṇa ‖ 2.26 ‖


tataḥ: n5s. then; anabhighātaḥ: m1s. untroubled; sthūlaśarīreṇa: m3s. by the gross body

“Then one is untroubled by the gross body.”

एवासितं प्राणायामो विच्छेदगति श्वासप्रश्वासयोः ॥ २.२७ ॥
evāsitaṃ prāṇāyāmo vicchedagati śvāsapraśvāsayoḥ ‖ 2.27 ‖


eva: ind. thus; āsitam: n1s. seated; prāṇāyāmaḥ: m1s. energy extension; viccheda-gati: f1s. interrupting + procession; śvāsa-praśvāsayoḥ: m6d. of inhalation + exhalation

“Thus seated, energy extension is the interruption of the procession of inhalation and exhalation.”

वृत्तयः प्राणायामस्य बाह्याभ्यन्तरस्तम्भा दीर्घंसूक्ष्मंपरिदृष्टा देशकालसांख्याभिः ॥ २.२८ ॥
vṛttayaḥ prāṇāyāmasya bāhyābhyantarastambhā dīrghaṃsūkṣmaṃparidṛṣṭā deśakālasāṃkhyābhiḥ ‖ 2.28 ‖


vṛttayaḥ: f1p. modifications; prāṇāyāmasya: m6s. of energy extension; bāhya-abhyantara-stambhāḥ: m1p. internal + external + paused; dīrgham-sūkṣmam-paridṛṣṭāḥ: f1p. slowly + subtly + directed; deśa-kāla-sāṃkhyābhiḥ: f3p. by place + time + number

“The activities of energy extension are external, internal, and pause.  They are slowly and subtly directed according to place, time, and number.”

चतुर्थवृत्तिर् जुह्वानः प्राणोऽपानेऽपानः प्राणे च ॥ २.२९ ॥
caturthavṛttir juhvānaḥ prāṇo’pāne’pānaḥ prāṇe ca ‖ 2.29 ‖


caturthavṛttiḥ: f1s. fourth activity; juhvānaḥ: m1s. offering; prāṇaḥ: m1s. upward inhalation; apāne: m7s. to the downward exhalation; apānaḥ: m1s. downward exhalation; prāṇe: m7s. to the upward inhalation; ca: ind. and

“The fourth activity is offering the upward inhalation to the downward exhalation and the downward exhalation to the upward inhalation.”

ततः प्रकाशावरणं क्षीणम् ॥ २.३० ॥
tataḥ prakāśāvaraṇaṃ kṣīṇam ‖ 2.30 ‖


tataḥ: n5s. from that; prakāśa-āvaraṇam: n1s. light + veil; kṣīṇam: n1s. destroyed

“From that, the veil over the light is destroyed.”

प्रत्याहारोऽसम्प्रयोग इन्द्रियाणां स्वानुकारविषयेभ्यः प्रतिस्वरूपं सत्त्वस्य ॥ २.३१ ॥
pratyāhāro’samprayoga indriyāṇāṃ svānukāraviṣayebhyaḥ pratisvarūpaṃ sattvasya ‖ 2.31 ‖


pratyāhāraḥ: m1s. withdrawal; asamprayogaḥ: m1s. dissociation; indriyanam: n6p. of the senses; sva-anukāra-viṣayebhyaḥ: m5p. from their + corresponding + objects; prati-svarūpam: n1s. to + their true nature; sattvasya: n6s. of mind

“Withdrawal is the disassociation of the senses from their corresponding objects back to their mental nature.”

ततः परमवश्यतेन्द्रियाणाम् ॥ २.३२ ॥
tataḥ paramavaśyatendriyāṇām ‖ 2.32 ‖


tataḥ: n5s. from that; parama-vaśyatā: f1s. highest + control; indriyāṇām: n6p. of the senses

“From that comes the highest control of the senses.”

योग्यता मनसो धारणासु च ॥ २.३३ ॥
yogyatā manaso dhāraṇāsu ca ‖ 2.33 ‖


yogatā: f1s. fitness; manasaḥ: n6s. of mind; dhāraṇāsu: f7p. in concentration; ca: ind. and

“And there is fitness of mind for concentration.”

पञ्चाङ्गम् एकत्र क्रियायोगो यद् बहिःसाधनम् ॥ २.३४ ॥
pañcāṅgam ekatra kriyāyogo yad bahiḥsādhanam ‖ 2.34 ‖


pañcāṅgam: n1s. five limbs; ekatra: ind. together; kriyāyogaḥ: m1s. performance yoga; yat: ind. which; bahir-sādhanam: n1d. outer + practice

“These five limbs together are performance yoga, which is outer practice.”

धारणा बन्धश् चित्तशरीरस्यैकवृत्त्याम् ॥ २.३५ ॥
dhāraṇā bandhaś cittaśarīrasyaikavṛttyām ‖ 2.35 ‖


dhāraṇā: f1s. concentration; bandhaḥ: m1s. binding; cittaśarīrasya: n6s. of the conscious body; eka-vṛttyām: f7s. on one + modification

“Concentration is the binding of the conscious body on one modification.”

ध्यानं बन्धोऽन्तःशरीरस्यैववृत्त्याम् ॥ २.३६ ॥
dhyānaṃ bandho’ntaḥśarīrasyaivavṛttyām ‖ 2.36 ‖


dhyānam: n1s. meditation; bandhaḥ: m1s. binding; antaḥśarīrasya: n6s. of the inner body; eva-vṛttyām: f7s. on the same + modification

“Meditation is the binding of the inner body on the same modification.”

समाधिर् बन्धः कारणशरीरस्यैववृत्त्याम् ॥ २.३७ ॥
samādhir bandhaḥ kāraṇaśarīrasyaivavṛttyām ‖ 2.37 ‖


samadhiḥ: m1s. absorption; bandhaḥ: m1s. binding; kāraṇaśarīrasya: n6s. of the causal body; eva-vṛttyām: f7s. on the same + modification

“Absorption is the binding of the causal body on the same modification.”

त्र्यङ्गम् एकत्र संयमयोगो यद् अन्तःसाधनम् ॥ २.३८ ॥
tryaṅgam ekatra saṃyamayogo yad antaḥsādhanam ‖ 2.38 ‖


tryaṅgam: n1s. three limbs; ekatra: ind. together; saṃyamayogaḥ: m1s. restraint yoga; yat: m1s. which; antar-sādhanam: n1s. inner + practice

“These three limbs together are restraint yoga, which is inner practice.”

अष्टाङ्गम् एकत्र राजयोगो यत् सम्यक्साधनम् ॥ २.३९ ॥
aṣṭāṅgam ekatra rājayogo yat samyaksādhanam ‖ 2.39 ‖


ṣṭāṅgam: n1s. eight limbs; ekatra: ind. together; rājayogaḥ: m1s. royal yoga; yat: m1s. which; samyak-sādhanam: n1s. complete + practice

“All eight limbs together are royal yoga, which is complete practice.”

ततः सम्यक्सिद्धयः ॥ २.४० ॥
tataḥ samyaksiddhayaḥ ‖ 2.40 ‖


tataḥ: n5s. from that; samyak-siddhayaḥ: f1p. complete + results

“From that comes complete results.”

Chapter 3: Sādhaka

साधकमार्ग एकग्रेश्वरप्रणिधानं व ॥ ३.१ ॥
sādhakamārga ekagreśvarapraṇidhānaṃ va ‖ 3.1 ‖


sādhakamārgaḥ: m1s. adept path; ekāgra-īśvarapraṇidhānam: n1s. one-pointed + surrender to the oversoul; va: ind. or

“Or the adept path is one-pointed surrender to the oversoul.”

ईश्वरो विशेषपुरुषोऽपरामृष्टः क्लेशैः ॥ ३.२ ॥
īśvaro viśeṣapuruṣo’parāmṛṣṭaḥ kleśaiḥ ‖ 3.2 ‖


īśvaraḥ: m1s. oversoul; viśeṣa-puruṣaḥ: m1s. individualized + spirit; aparāmṛṣṭaḥ: m1s. untouched; kleśaiḥ: m3p. by the afflictions

“The oversoul is the individualized spirit untouched by the afflictions.”

सो निरतिशयबीजं सर्वज्ञानस्य ॥ ३.३ ॥
so niratiśayabījaṃ sarvajñānasya ‖ 3.3 ‖


saḥ: m1s. it; niratiśaya-bījam: n1s. unsurpassed + seed; sarvajñānasya: n6s. of all knowledge

“It is the unsurpassed seed of all knowledge.”

अनवच्छेदः कालेन स आदिगुरुः ॥ ३.४ ॥
anavacchedaḥ kālena sa ādiguruḥ ‖ 3.4 ‖


anavacchedaḥ: m1s. undivided; kālena: m3s. by time; saḥ: m1s. it; ādiguruḥ: m1s. first teacher

“Undivided by time, it is the first teacher.”

सो वाचकः प्रणवस्य यद् आदिशासनम् ॥ ३.५ ॥
so vācakaḥ praṇavasya yad ādiśāsanam ‖ 3.5 ‖


saḥ: m1s. it; vācakaḥ: m1s. reciter; praṇavasya: m6s. of om; yat: m1s. which; ādiśāsanam: n1s. first instruction

“It is the reciter of om, which is the first instruction.”

तज् जप्यः सभावनं तस्यार्थस्य ॥ ३.६ ॥
taj japyaḥ sabhāvanaṃ tasyārthasya ‖ 3.6 ‖


tat: n1s. it; japyaḥ: m1s. repeated; sabhāvanam: with contemplation; tasya: m6s. of its; arthasya: m6s. meaning

“It is to be repeated with contemplation of its meaning.”

ततोऽभावोऽन्तरायाणाम् अधिगमः प्रत्यक्चेतनायाश् च ॥ ३.७ ॥
tato’bhāvo’ntarāyāṇām adhigamaḥ pratyakcetanāyāś ca ‖ 3.7 ‖


tataḥ: n5s. from that; abhāvaḥ: m1s. destruction; antarāyāṇām: m6p. of obstacles; adhigamaḥ: m1s. attainment; pratyakcetanāyāḥ: f6s. of inner consciousness; ca: ind. and

“From that comes the destruction of obstacles and the attainment of inner consciousness.”

एव शब्दस्रोत आपन्नम् ॥ ३.८ ॥
eva śabdasrota āpannam ‖ 3.8 ‖


eva: ind. thus; śabda-srotaḥ: n1s. sound + current; āpannam: n1s. entered

“Thus, the sound-current is entered.”

उदयः स्रोतसानुभव इतीति ॥ ३.९ ॥
udayaḥ srotasānubhava itīti ‖ 3.9 ‖


udayaḥ: m1s. ascent; srotasā: n3s. through the stream; anubhavaḥ: m1s. experience; itīti: ind. ‘this, that’

“The ascent through the stream is the experience of ‘this, that’.”

समदृष्टिर् विनियुक्ता प्राकृतत्रये ॥ ३.१० ॥
samadṛṣṭir viniyuktā prākṛtatraye ‖ 3.10 ‖


sama-dṛṣṭiḥ: f1s. equal + vision; viniyuktā: f1s. applied; prākṛta-traye: n7s. to the material + triad

“Equal vision is applied to the material triad.”

ततः सुषुप्त्यवस्था बुद्धा ॥ ३.११ ॥
tataḥ suṣuptyavasthā buddhā ‖ 3.11 ‖


tataḥ: n5s. from that; suṣupti-avasthā: f1s. deep sleep + state; buddhā: f1s. awakened

“From that, the deep sleep state is awakened.”

प्रतीत्यक्षणाः कालचक्रस्य प्राप्तापरन्ता क्रमस्य निग्राह्याश् च ॥ ३.१२ ॥
pratītyakṣaṇāḥ kālacakrasya prāptāparantā kramasya nigrāhyāś ca ‖ 3.12 ‖


pratītyakṣaṇāḥ: m1p. dependent moments; kālacakrasya: m6s. of the wheel of time; prāpta-aparāntāḥ: m1p. have reached + final end; kramasya: m6s. of succession; nigrāhyāḥ: m1p. comprehensible; ca: ind. and

“And the dependent moments of the wheel of time have reached the final end of succession and are comprehensible.”

एव निःशब्दस्रोत आपन्नम् ॥ ३.१३ ॥
eva niḥśabdasrota āpannam ‖ 3.13 ‖


eva: ind. thus; niḥśabda-srotaḥ: n1s. silent + current; āpannam: n1s. entered

“Thus, the silent current is entered.”

समदृष्टिर् विनियुक्ता प्रकृत्याम् ॥ ३.१४ ॥
samadṛṣṭir viniyuktā prakṛtyām ‖ 3.14 ‖


samadṛṣṭiḥ: f1s. equal vision; viniyuktā: f1s. applied; prakṛtyām: f7s. to nature

“Equal vision is applied to nature.”

एव महासागरः कैवलस्यापन्नम् ॥ ३.१५ ॥
eva mahāsāgaraḥ kaivalasyāpannam ‖ 3.15 ‖


eva: ind. thus; mahāsāgaraḥ: m1s. great ocean; kaivalasya: n6s. of absolute unity; āpannam: n1s. entered

“Thus, the great ocean of absolute unity is entered.”

तत् त्वम् असि ॥ ३.१६ ॥
tat tvam asi ‖ 3.16 ‖


tat: n1s. that; tvam: ind. thou; asi: 2s. art

“Thou art that.”