In truth (paramārthatas), the universe (jagat) is merely the vibration (eva the spanda) of the unqualified source (nirguṇa brahman). 1
The unqualified source is the great ocean (mahāsāgara), and the ten strings are an unbroken stream of states (abhinna srotas of avasthās). 2
The stream is the razor’s edge (kṣurasya dhārā). 3
This straight and narrow path is hard to go by.
The ascent (udaya) through the stream is the experience (anubhava) of “not this, not that” (neti neti). 45
Mind (sattva) is the lucid (spaṣṭa) state.
This state is akin to a lucid dream.
The lucid dreamer understands the meaning of dream objects and can control them.
These lower three states comprise the material triad (prākṛta traya). 6
The soul (jīva) is the deep sleep (suṣupti) state, which is to be awakened (budhya). 7
Then it’s the awakened (buddha) state.
Consciousness (cit) is the witness (sākṣi) state.
Bliss (ānanda) is the divine (daiva) state.
Existence (sat) is the order (ṛta) state.
It’s similar to the fourth (caturtha) state of the Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad8, except it’s not the origin (mūla).
These upper three states comprise the spiritual triad (pauruṣa traya). 9
This minor heptad (aprāhana saptaka) is the sound-current (śabdasrotas) of transmigration (saṃsāra). 10
It’s states (avasthās) are characterized by impermanence (anitya).
Not because they gain or lose existence, but because they’re subject to change.
Much like steam doesn’t perish when it condenses into water.
Nor does water perish when it freezes as ice.
The remaining states are beyond the fourth state (turīyātīta). 11
The oversoul (īśvara) is the union (yoga) state.
Nature (prakṛti) is the dual (dvaita) state.
Spirit (puruṣa) is the non-dual (advaita) state.
This major triad (pradhana traya) is the silent current (niḥshabdasrotas) of cessation (nirvāṇa). 12
In this context, the term “nirvāṇa” consists of “without” (nis) and “sound” (vāṇa) and means “silence.”
Beyond cessation (parinirvāṇa), the ground state (mūla avasthā) is indistinguishable, unthinkable, and indescribable isolation (alakṣaṇa, acintya, and avyapadeśya kaivalya). 13
In other words, it’s beyond the mind and must be experienced to be understood.
Thou art that (tat tvam asi). 1415